- Features:
* Private Location
* Irrigation and dryland – Grazing / Cropping
* Pump Site (Diesel pump option to purchase)
* Improvements include Hut & Machinery Sheds.
* 8″ High Pressure mains to service irrigation.
* 5MGLs Stock & Domestic water with option to purchase further high security water entitlement at market rate.
DWELLING PERMISSIBILITY – The land satisfies the provisions of clause 4.2A(3)(b) of Wakool Local Environmental Plan 2013 and application may be made to Council to erect a dwelling on the land. A dwelling may not be erected within 100 metres of the high bank of the river.
This advice does not constitute approval of a dwelling or guarantee that a dwelling, if applied for, would be approved. Each development application is assessed on its merits against the provisions of the planning instrument in place at the time of lodgement and the provisions of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.
00 Koraleigh Road TOOLEYBUC NSW 2736